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How do i know which shower profile i need?

Measuring is knowing

1. Required:

  • Folding rule / ruler and preferably also a caliper
  • Your glass wall
  • Common sense

2. To do:

  • Measure the glass thickness (usually 6mm, can also be 5, 8 or 10mm)
  • Measure the length of the glass (available in 100cm or 200cm)
  • Determine whether the strip is horizontal or vertical
  • View the shape of the glass (straight, quarter round or angled) see drawings below **

3. Ready!:

  • Click here and apply the product filters.


Angled (3- or 4- part pentagon), but yet straight profiles:

For the above 2 cabins you can choose right in the filter menu!

Quarter round:

Angled (2-part pentagon):

This cabin consists of 2 complete doors, whose glass is angled (kinked). For this wall we have all vertical shower rubbers and one horizontal leak profile.
