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Does a Geberit AquaClean toilet seat fit on your toilet?

Information sheet for measuring

Check step by step whether a Geberit AquaClean toilet seat can be mounted on your existing toilet bowl.

Remove the toilet lid.
Does your toilet bowl have an ordinary, more or less round shape?
Is the support surface for the toilet seat completely flat?
An increase of up to 15 mm is permitted at the rear edge.

How big is the size (L) of the front of your toilet bowl
to the wall or the reservoir?
Minimum dimension (L): 510 mm

How big is the size (B) of your toilet bowl?
Minimum dimension (B): 320 mm
Maximum dimension (B): 390 mm

How big is the dimension (C) of the front of your toilet bowl
to the mounting holes for the toilet lid?
Minimum dimension (C): 410 mm
Maximum dimension (C): 455 mm

How big is the dimension (D) of the inside of your toilet bowl
to the mounting holes for the toilet lid?
Minimum dimension (D): 365 mm
Maximum dimension (D): 410 mm

Are the existing holes for the toilet lid completely
open and also accessible from the bottom after confirmation?

Does your toilet bowl meet all these conditions? Then a Geberit AquaClean toilet seat can be fitted with high probability.

Detailed information about the Geberit AquaClean models can be found at www.i-love-water.nl

Geberit AquaClean
The toilet with which you are cleaned with water
